Ultimate RepairX

SKU: URX-12-01
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Ultimate RepairX
Product description

Ultimate RepairX is a patented high-potency formula targeting pain caused by all types of conditions and injuries. Ultimate RepairX is extremely effective and will get you back on your game as soon as possible with NO unwanted side effects.

Made with a 100% natural & patented matrix of ingredients designed to work in the extracellular matrix (ECM) between cells to alleviate acute & chronic pain, inflammation, and restore tissue.

Injury, disease, and the aging process can cause alterations, distress, or dysfunction of ECM tissue resulting in pain, inflammation, and chronic conditions. URX is carefully formulated after decades of research and clinically validated to deliver soothing, healing, & restorative ingredients where needed most to stabilize the ECM and restore healthy tissue function quickly and effectively.

The result is both rapid and long-lasting relief and recovery!

Additional information
NameUltimate RepairX
VendorUltimate RepairX; Vital Vera

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